Friday, March 13, 2009

CLEARWATER March 13, 2009

Catrina said goodbye to Cynthia Faye and Venice at 8 and motored out into the Gulf. Unfortunately, the water was mirror smooth and stayed that way most of the day except when a motor boat roared by. In Venice the Sun rises about 8 a.m.

The most eventful adventure happened about 10 a.m. off Sarasota. We caught a crab trap. The boat slowed down drastically. Debbie shut the engines down. Tom disappeared under the boat with a knife. I don’t know what the fishing boat thought when a nude man came up Catrina’s back steps carrying a knife! Sorry, no picture. Mission Accomplished!

After that, the day was quite quiet. We were passed by a Big Black Motor Boat.

Parasailing is becoming popular. A motor boat pulls the “sailer” into the air and then slowly moves him around. When he wants to come down, the boat slows and the parachute moves toward the water. The sailer and then the parachute are pulled into the boat.

We pass under the bridge from the Gulf and go behind Clearwater Island about 5:30 p.m.

The Dolphin Encounter is on the way out.

So is the Thriller.

Clearwater Island can be reached by a bridge from the Mainland.

Our home for the tonight is the Clearwater City Marina at double the price of 5 years ago! We decided to stay one night only. A wonderful shower, dinner on the strip with the college breakers (a reality event) and a boardwalk route home to Catrina.

Did I mention that we have Dinner Cruise Ship at the Shore End of our dock? No one walked in front of us. They debarked 3 boats away from us!

Catrina is docked nexted to a Gemini. We look big!

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