Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Getting Ready to Sail September 16, 2008

Tom and Debbie arrived back at Crystal Lake about 10 pm Tuesday. Wednesday would be a very busy day if we really wanted to set sail south on Thursday!

Tom moved Catrina to the dock and organized the aft storage - the items used when sailing. Debbie closed the cottage and put Perri, the summer transportation, to bed in the garage. Everything that we had not eaten or moved to Indiana with the truck-camper-macgregor got transferred to Catrina. To our surprise it actually fit!

We ran into friends Kathy and Wally while getting our last mail Pick Up at Frankfort Post Office. The post-ladies had noticed our catamaran in the harbor and asked about our plans. We are really heading south. At Glen's we turned in our bottles for cash and recycling. Another sign we are headed out. Debbie threw together some Jambalaya and beans for dinner but we were almost too tired to eat it. We took a stroll to the bath house and found that the toilet area was segregated but the showers weren't. We both have very clean backs!

Off our bow is the Frankfort Library while astern is Elberta. A very strong wind is rocking the boat. We added more dock lines as the wind howled. By morning this disturbance should have passed. We are ready to leave tomorrow. Let's hope the weather cooperates.

Thanks Frankfort Library for this free internet access. We wish you all a good night as we are rocked to sleep on our new home on water!