Tom made one last repair on the boom but first we had to go to West Marine to get a part. Debbie continued the bike ride toward the airport while Tom checked out the news. The repair was made and Tom returned the borrowed tool to Midori.
We haven’t mentioned much about the Marina except the balls. Along the side of the Marina is one channel which goes inland that is used to dock a few boats overnight, the two MCM boats and sometimes the sheriff’s boat. At the far end the channel is divided with the hard sided boats and drinking water tap nearest the Marina Building and the soft sided dingies on the far side. As you can see in the picture two-thirds of the dingies are soft sided. Sometimes especially in the morning, it is very hard to find a spot!
Can you pick out Catrina? It is just over the left side of the bush. Second Avenue in right in front and the houseboat is behind our floating home. Does it help to see what the Marina looks like from Catrina?
During the day, we replenished drinking water and moved the bikes to the port deck. Tomorrow on the way out we will top off our gas tank. Hopefully, we can sail most of the way. However, Tom just checked and said we may not have enough wind as we move up the Gulf Coast.
We advertised the bikes on the morning net but did not get any buyers. Tom decided to bring them with us in case we wanted to explore any of the cities along the way. It is to bad we could not get a picture of just one bike in our small dingy!
We also rested up and read books after lunch. In the late afternoon, Debbie took this shot from our from our starboard stern.