Another day, our fourth, at East Shore Marina. Our appointment to get mast raised was at 8 and by 9 the crane had been repaired. As the comedy of errors continued, a part flew off the mast as it was just being raised out of the craddle. We got the mast up and found that the part secured the forestay to the mast and it was vital to sailing. Tom donned his scuba gear and began hunting. Believe it or not in very mucky water up to his neck, he found it. We spent another $50 getting the mast raised 5 inches. Then we put a nut (as in bolt) on a thin line, lowered it through the hole, grabbed it at the mast bottom and attached the found part. I don't know how it happened but the part did not get stuck in the five feet of mast it traversed and came through the hole right end up! We returned to our berth at East Shore and collapsed!
Water, sandwiches and a quick nap got us out on deck again. Do you know it is a lot easier to take a boat apart than to put to back together again. We found we need both heads to remember how it was. We got the furling sail up and started on the main, the jacks and the vang. After trying many different combinations of pulleys and lines we think we have it functioning. We decided to wait to put the main (sail) on until tomorrow or later tonight when it is not so windy. For now it is a shower and out to dinner!