We pulled out of Ludington Marina a safe distance behind a carferry. Another beautiful day! With two sails up, we clipped along at 7 knots. Our destination is White Lake, about 37 miles south. In the late morning, shortly after Brenda called from Colorado to see how we were doing, the wind began to drop and change from east to southeast to south. We had planned to use our spinnaker again but the wind change cancelled that idea. Eventually when we got down to 3 knots, Debbie started one motor and later Tom added the second one. We hoped to sail all of Lake Michigan as we know we will be motoring most of the time on the rivers.
As we drew close to the canal into White Lake, four sailboats greeted us. Two came close enough to be photographed.
As we entered the channel to White Lake, out sailed another catamaran. The Skipper popped his head up and said, "How many times do you think this happens?" He was right. We rarely see other sailboats moving this late in the summer. This is the first catamaran we have seen anywhere.

Although Tom was running out of bread, we decided not to sail to the end of White Lake to look for a grocery store in Whitehall. We can get bread tomorrow or he can eat crackers! We dropped anchor close to the White Lake Yacht Club, where Debbie remembers racing years ago in the Western Michigan Regatta. The Lake is about 3 miles long which would add 6 miles to our trip. As we dropped anchor, a Corsair (trimaran) sailed by. Sorry no picture. Debbie was tied up at the wheel.

Spagetti and Asparagus for dinner. Tom had two helpings! Said he did not want to have left overs. The chef immediately said that reason will not work a second time!
A full-tummied man and his luck lady enjoyed the sunset from the foredeck.