After an up and down night with rain pelting our roof, we slept in to 10 a.m. We were the only transient boat in residence at Rogers City Marina so it was very quiet! During the wee-hours Tom used a less busy computer time to work on the Blog.
When morning arrived, it had stopped raining but it was "grey" out. We left about 10:30 motoring north in 2-3 foot waves in 15 mph winds. Sounds a lot like the past few days but today we will turn NW. With all the humidity generated by the 15 hours of rain, Debbie became a human defroster frequently wiping the windshield. The humidity was so thick you could practically cut your way through it! That was inside the cockpit. . . .
At 2:00 as we continued in a NW fashion around the east top
edge of Michigan, the sun broke through the clouds and everything was beautiful again. We decided to continue on passed Hammond Bay Harbor Marina ending out the day about 7:30 at Cheybogan. Nine hours and 35 miles.
Although we had called ahead to see if space was available at Cheyboygan County Marina, we decided to drop anchor in a boat turnaround area on the other side of the entry canal behind a Coast Guard working ferry. The CG boat did not move and did not ask us to leave. We had a very pleasant dinner and night aboard.