Catrina in slip-------------------------------------and the hoist with crane moves over boat
Beaver moves hoist with crane over mast.
Beaver raised loop up mast to the spreaders. The bottom of the loop can be seen just under the spreader.
Tom and Martin remove forestay which is also the furling jib.
Michael removes the two Side Stays. Now the mast stands on its own only held up by the cable loop
Beaver raises the mast to clear the top of the cockpit and then lowers the lower end onto the stern mast holder.
Next the top of the mast is placed in the foward mast holder. This sounds very easy but it took a long, long time!
Then it is decided that we cannot place the furling jib under the mast in the mast holders. The jib is strapped on top of the mast.
Finally, everything is tied down tightly and we are ready to motor off to the Hammond City Marina. We find this Marina to be very big (750-950 boats) and very old. It is a country mile literally to hike to the Marina Office from our slip in Row "V". Also a large casino is being built on the east side of the Marina. We have reached the big City!!!