Debbie started bread in the activity area. We tried to watch news in the big barn area of MCM but the noise was too much. All the old Washers and Dryers had been removed and they were cleaning the floors. Word is that when the new ones arrive, they will be installed here. Does this mean they are not going to open the new bathhouse or they were never going to be put there in the first place?
We decided to exercise Tom’s leg. We headed south but crossed back over Route 1 to check out the Salvation Army for bike seats. They recommended a bike store.
On the north route Tom’s bike took him to Annette’s Lobster and Steakhouse. Rumor has it that they have a very good $5 lunch. We were their first customers.
Stain glass windows line the walls and the dark wood inside is covered with fish models (for sale) It was so dark that Debbie with her dark glasses on could not read the menu! Tom ordered from the $5 menu and was stuffed. Debbie had chicken salad (salty) and salad (delicious).
On the way out Debbie checked out the Ladies and found the only bright spot. Below is a picture of one of the tiles!
Tom again watched news at MCM and Debbie relaxed at Catrina and washed windows. The wind is down some. The temperature is dropped and it maybe in the lower 50’s than last night.
Below is a map of the middle and lower Keys. Marathon is on the far right.
When our next guests arrive we may go north east to #13 Coffin’s Patch or South. The island at the end of 7 Mile Bridge is Bahia Honda, a State Park, where we stayed last November. Just below that are two more Reefs, #11 Newfound Harbor and #10 Looe Key.
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