Cliff, Carson and Coleman joined us at 10 and we headed out to Keri's Ledge. It is about 6 miles out into the Gulf from Boot Key. We put up the sails but were right at the jib point and soon changed to motors. Tom and Cliff worked with the GPS, Charts and Computer Map to locate Keri's. When we found it, we were fairly close to Sombrero Reef, our destination yesterday.

Looking over to the Sombrero Reef Marker, we saw a couple catamarans, one of which we thought was the 42 foot PDQ.

We moved Catrina's anchor a couple times until we found a spot with fish. It was about 45 feet deep and the boat rolled over the passing waves.

Carson found a spot on the starboard steps to fish.

Soon small Grunts were nibbling the lures. The boys started pulling them in and throwing them back. Too Small to Keep!

Now here is a picture you don't often see - Our GPS wearing a hat!
Coleman assists Cliff from the Port Side of Catrina.

They also catch lots of small Grunts.

Someone caught a small Yellow Tail Snapper but Debbie was napping and no picture was taken before it was thrown back to grow bigger!
Pam was visiting a good friend today and mid afternoon her men departed to join her and then return home.
It was showers at MCM for Tom and Debbie and then a trip by dingy to Walgreen's. Fortunately, Tom called first and found the drug store was not open today. We returned to Catrina. Tom warmed up the Grill and cooked the Dolphin Fish while Debbie made vegetable Rice and Spinach.

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