There was a very unusual and noisy Alarm Clock on Catrina which started before the sun was even thought of. Bang. Crash. Where is the phone that is ringing? It is a phone alarm? Slam - Did someone run into a door? Pump, Pump, Pump - Did someone forget to close the bathroom door? When it got to be 6:30, Tom and Debbie decided they must be the only ones left in bed. Tom stuck his head out the door and discovered that most everyone else had gone back to bed!!! (or else Catrina had a very noisy ghost)
This is the morning when our Indiana Guests depart for places north. Breakfast around the settee was an assortment of leftovers and cereal. The boat was scoured for belongings. As far as we can tell, nothing was left behind! They did not even leave a fishing pole!
As Debbie threw the mooring lines and fender overboard, the fender came loose. After a couple missed attempts of capturing it, Mark from next door ran his dingy out and grabbed it. Thanks, neighbor! (Aquila)
Catrina saw Glen, Carol, Lynn and Alice off at the Marina dock while Debbie retrieved the car parking sticker, emptied trash, put tags on our new (actually very old) bikes and paid water fees. Tom scrubbed and sprayed Catrina off (no more salt and fish smells) and filled the water tanks.
Back at the U-6 we reclined on either side of the settee and watch Obama’s Tuesday evening address to the Nation. It is fun to have visitors and then it is fun to just lay back afterwards!
In the afternoon we tried out our new bikes and treated ourselves at Wendy’s as we got caught up with USA Today. Fresh baby Asparagus was on sale for $.98. Add Carol’s leftover spaghetti and Debbie’s red beans and rice for a great and easy meal!
We had our social time at the showers and made some new local friends. We saw Pat and Colin saying goodbye to their guests. Carol from the Laundry brought us up to date on her Canadian Boat registration problems or maybe solved problems. Bill gave us the latest gossip on when the new shower building would open.
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