Thursday, February 19, 2009

LOOPERS February 19, 2009

Three couples we met on our trip down the Rivers joined us today snorkeling at Sombrero Reef. The group of boaters that makes a circular route up the Atlantic Coast, across the Great Lakes, down the Rivers and back to Florida are called Loopers. Catrina is a Half Looper because we only did the Rivers side.

About 10:30 three dingies arrived at Catrina. We tied all four soft siders to U-6 Ball. After loading aboard lunches and snorkeling gear, we headed for Sisters Channel (previously called Fishing Canal).

The sun was bright without a cloud in the sky - a blue bird day! A light wind gave us promise of sailing. When we reached the Atlantic, we headed directly into the wind toward the Sombrero Marker. The Trapeze became a focus group. Peggy, Trish and Pat found lots of things in common while Colin beside Peggy looked on.

After tying up at the Reef, six got into gear and jumped in. Because of the waves, the water was a little murky but there were plenty of little fish. We floated around on the waves. It felt so good. With wet suits on, it felt warmer than 72! This is the only shot Debbie got of snorkeling and the heads are Colin and Pat.
After swimming we ate lunch and Tom and Debbie put up the sails. We crisscrossed the area at a roaring 3 mph. Such a relaxing way to spend the afternoon with good friends.

Ted and Trish aboard South Shore III hailed from Richardson TX and Frankfort MI. Debbie knew them from Crystal Lake. In fact they bought her first Woodpussy and now race it. That is a sailboat! They started the Loop in NC where they purchased their trawler last spring and will be completing the loop this spring.

Pat and Colin aboard Lady Margaret are from Hamilton Ontario. Colin has made the loop five times and this year Pat is doing the complete trip with him. Debbie and Tom met them at Frankfort Harbor shortly after they had purchased Catrina.

Peggy and Bob aboard Baby Grand were originally from Wisconsin but moved to Colorado when they got the Baby. We met them at Joliet on the wall. When they passed by Crystal River, they stopped to see us. We have been following their trip on their blog. They will complete the loop by summer time.
After a wonderful time on the Atlantic we made plans to meet for dinner at Key Industries.
Tom and Debbie hiked in but the other four rode bikes. On the way home it looked like one very long bike with the first person wearing a head light and the fourth one three red back lights! Loopers have style!

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