Monday, October 6, 2008

RIVER CREATURES October 6, 2008

Catrina was on the river when the sun came over the bushes. We had an 88 mile day planned and wanted to reach Grafton, the last town in IL, before dark. Half the day we ran on one motor. Then Tom became bored and started up the other one. We cruised along at 10 mph and reached Grafton by 4:30.

We dodged River Creatures all day long. Most very small and some bigger than this one.

Look out this front door at the front lawn!

This Eagle circled our boat and dove for a fish.

Ten miles down river was our last Lock on the Illinois River. As we approached, we started looking for the dam and lock. On the right were the structures at the missing lock and on the left was the non-existent Dam. Both were deeply underwater so that the Lockmaster told us to go right over the dam or rather go down the left side!

Some of the interesting things that we viewed along the Illinois were :

A beautiful sailboat ??? headed for the Mediterrranean

A Houseboat heading up river

A Waterline just under the windows on a house

A New Orleans bound Raft containing University of Chicago Graduate Students

A Railroad Bridge with a house in the middle and another on the side. Where is the control room?

At Grafton, the Illinois River joins the Mississippi River. The flood warning on the Illinois has not reached this point and the Mississippi River is at normal level. We had hoped the current would be strong here. Tomorrow we may find out!

Home Sweet Home tonight is the Grafton Marina.

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